Grade With Me: Paragraph Chunk Quiz

Grading is one of the most important parts of our job, and yet it is one of the things talked about in the least detail when we discuss it.

Even when we are grading equitably and using rubrics, using all of the strategies we know are best practices, the entire process of grading can still seem elusive.

What, exactly are we looking for in skill-based assessments? What should it look like? How long should a response be? How do we know when a student has hit a target?

The only way to answer these questions is with exposure and practice, so today I’m grading some quizzes out loud - you can hear my entire thought process and see how I calibrate my grading as I go, based on what students have given me.

This quiz is a paragraph chunk quiz, where students are asked to do a short amount of writing based on our reading.

This type of formative assessment, as well two other high-impact formative assessments, are explained in detail in our free masterclass, Down With the Reading Quiz, from Brave New Teaching.

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